1.2 Operations With Rational Numbersmr. Mac's Page

MAC 1105: College Algebra - Spring 2015

  1. 1.2 Operations With Rational Numbersmr. Mac's Page Number
  2. 1.2 Operations With Rational Numbersmr. Mac's Page Key
  3. 1.2 Operations With Rational Numbersmr. Mac's Page Shortcut
  4. 1.2 Operations With Rational Numbersmr. Mac's Page Numbers

1-2 Operations with Rational Numbers - Answers - Maze Activity 1-2 Operations with Rational Numbers – Answers – Maze Activity real numbers maze answer key real number system activities pdf activities for teaching the real number system real numbers activity sheet rational number maze answer key rational number maze answers rational numbers puzzle worksheet rational. Every one of you already knows what rational numbers are. Do you know there are some operations that you can carry out with these numbers? Let us now study in detail about the operations on rational numbers. We will be studying addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division of these rational numbers examples. I'm taking MHF4U (Advanced Functions) in Ontario. Is your grade 12 math help the right course for me? Our grade 12 math help also covers topics for classes including: Ontario – Foundations for College Mathematics (MAP4C), & Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life (MEL4E); B.C. – Pre-calculus 12 & Foundations of Mathematics 12; and Alberta – Math 30-1 & Math 30-2.

MAC 1105 is a college level algebra course.This course introduces the student to the concept of functions and their graphs. Students will learn to graph linear, quadratic, rational, exponential, logarithmic, radical, power, and absolute value functions and transformations; perform operations with mathematical expressions and compositions of functions; find the inverse of a function; apply the laws of logarithms to simplify expressions and solve equations; graph non-linear inequalities; solve related applications and modeling problems.

MAT 1033: Intermediate Algebra or appropriate College Placement Test (CPT) score.

1.2 Operations With Rational Numbersmr. MacNumbersmr.Office Hours

Mondays: 12:00 PM - 1:10 PM & 2:50 PM - 5:00 PM @ Room 3212-06
Tuesdays: 12:40 PM - 5:00 PM @ Room 3212-06
Thursdays: 12:40 PM - 5:00 PM @ Room 3212-06

Course Text Book
Official: College Algebra - 1st Edition
Julie Miller
ISBN-13: 978-0-078-03563-0
ISBN-10: 0-078-03563-5

McGraw Hill

Course Outline

1.1 Linear equations and rational equations
1.2 Applications of linear equations
1.3 Complex numbers
1.4 Quadratic equations
1.7 Linear inequalities and compound inequalities

2.1 The rectangular coordinate system and graphing utilities
2.2 Circles
2.3 Functions and relations
2.7 Analyzing graphs of functions
2.8 Algebra of functions and function composition
Chapter 3: Polynomial and rational functions
3.1 Quadratic functions and applications
3.2 Division of polynomials and the remainder and factor theorems
3.6 Polynomial and rational inequalities

Chapter 4: Exponential and logarithmic functions
4.1 Inverse functions
4.2 Exponential functions
4.3 Logarithmic functions
4.4 Property of logarithms
1.2 operations with rational numbersmr. mac
4.6 Modeling with exponential and logarithmic functions

Chapter 5:Systems of equations and inequalities
5.1 Systems of linear equations in two variables and applications
5.2 Systems of linear equations in three variables and applications
5.5 Systems of linear inequalities in two variables

Chapter 6:Matrices and determinants and applications
6.1 Solving systems of linear equations using matrices

1.2 Operations With Rational Numbersmr. Mac's Page Number

1.2 operations with rational numbersmr. mac
6.3 Operations on matrices
6.4 Inverse matrices and matrix equations
6.5 Determinants and Cramer's rule

Note: Course content is subject to change without notice.
Important Dates

Tentative exams schedule: Topics: Time:
- Exam 1: Wednesday, January 28 1.1 - 1.8 Regular class time
- Exam 2: Monday, February 23 2.1 - 3.6 Regular class time
- Exam 3: Monday, March 16 4.1 - 4.6 Regular class time
- Exam 4: Monday, April 6 5.1 - 5.5 Regular class time
- Exam 5: Final Exam Schedule 6.1 - 6.5 See Final Exam Schedule
II. Tuesdays and Thursdays class:
- Exam 1: Thursday, January 291.1 - 1.8 Regular class time
- Exam 2: Tuesday, February 242.1 - 3.6 Regular class time
- Exam 3: Tuesday, March 17 4.1 - 4.6 Regular class time
- Exam 4: Tuesday, April 7 5.1 - 5.5 Regular class time
- Exam 5: Final Exam Schedule 6.1 - 6.5 See Final Exam Schedule
Last day to drop/withdrawa course with aWgrade: Wednesday, March 18.

Note: All tests must be taken on the scheduled date. Makeup tests will not be given. If you miss a test for any reason, then you will receivea zero grade for that test. Some exceptions can be made but the student must provide official documentation to support the claim of an emergency.
IMPORTANT: Students are responsible for bringing a scantron form to each test.

An Incomplete grade will be given only in the event of an emergency, to receive an Incomplete the
student must provide official documentation to support the claim of an emergency. Students who do not have a passing grade at the time of the last test will not be given an incomplete under any circumstances. Incompletes normally have to be made up within one month of the end of the semester.


1.2 Operations With Rational Numbersmr. Mac's Page Key

A student's Final Grade for the course will be determined by combining five (in-class) exams as follows:
- Exam 1: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 %
- Exam 2: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 %
- Exam 3: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 %
- Exam 4: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 %
- Exam 5: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 %

An approximate guideline for the grading scale of the course is:

Average: Grade:


1.2 Operations With Rational Numbersmr. Mac's Page Shortcut

90-100 ---------------------------------------------------------- A
80-89 ---------------------------------------------------------- B
70-79 ---------------------------------------------------------- C
60-69 ---------------------------------------------------------- D
00-59 ---------------------------------------------------------- F

Notes: 1. No curves will be given under any circumstances.
2. Any student missing 3 classes without notifying the Instructor may be DROPPED from the class at the Instructor's discretion.

IMPORTANT: You might like to consider using the following Progress Report Template to have an idea of your progress in this class. You can use it as a guide towards improvement.
Homework Assignments

Homework assignments will consist of reading from the text and problem assignments,both of which constitute essential parts of the course. It is generally advisable to carry out the reading before the corresponding material is discussed in lecture. The problem assignments should be carried as soon as possible after the relevant material is discussed in class. The assignments can be downloaded on the Homework link below. Please notice that homework will not be collected nor graded, however it is critically important to do it since not doing the homework will result in poor performance on the test.
Math Study Center

The Math Study Center is located at Room 3326 and it is designed to supplement classroom instruction and assist you with questions or problems understanding your coursework. During the Math Study Center hours, you are required to work on math-related homework. You are expected to go to the lab on a regular basis.

Math Study Center – Hours of Operation
Monday– Thursday:9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Friday:10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Phone: (305) 237-2233

1.2 Operations With Rational Numbersmr. Mac's Page Numbers

...........Announcements made in class may supersede syllabus rules!..........

Problem SetsHomework Exams Grades