Vocational Centresmac Guidance Services

What is a Career Guidance and Counseling Program?

Vocational Centres - MAC Guidance Services. Vocational Training Programs. Vocational Education continues to gain popularity in Quebec as an interesting avenue of post-secondary training permitting relatively quick access to good employment opportunities in a wide variety of fields. These increasingly competitive programs are offered across the province in such fields carpentry, interior design, professional cooking, auto mechanics, plumbing, health care professions to name but a few.

It is a comprehensive, developmental program designed to assist individuals in making and implementing informed educational and occupational choices. A career guidance and counseling program develops an individual's competencies in self-knowledge, educational and occupational exploration, and career planning.

Why is Career Guidance and Counseling Key to the Delivery of Vocational-Technical Education?

Career guidance and counseling programs help individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to identify options, explore alternatives and succeed in society. These programs better prepare individuals for the changing workplace of the 21st century by:

  • teaching labor market changes and complexity of the workplace
  • broadening knowledge, skills, and abilities
  • improving decision making skills
  • increasing self-esteem and motivation
  • building interpersonal effectiveness
  • maximizing career opportunities
  • improving employment marketability and opportunities
  • promoting effective job placement
  • strengthening employer relations
Who Benefits from Career Guidance and Counseling Programs?
  1. Guidance and Counselling: Areas of Focus (Content) The areas of guidance and counselling are very vast Personal, Educational, Vocational (bread and butter aims), moral, Health, Leisure-time etc. 14 School guidance and counselling services are focused on three distinct areas, although these areas are frequently combined to create a meaningful.
  2. Education Scotland has carried out external reviews of career information, advice and guidance services in partnership with Skills Development Scotland since April 2014. From 1 April 2014 to 30 June 2016, HM Inspectors have reviewed 10 services. The majority of services were evaluated as very good across the quality indicators.
  3. Child Care Services; Child Support; Community Services Block Grant; Social Services Block Grant; Children. Child Care Services; Child Support; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Families First; Nutrition Programs; Disability Services. Vocational Rehabilitation; Blind & Visually Impaired Services; Deaf, Deaf-Blind and Hard of.

Everyone benefits--youth and adults, male and female, disabled, disadvantaged, minorities, limited English proficient, incarcerated, dropouts, single parents, displaced homemakers, teachers, administrators, parents and employers.

Where are Career Guidance and Counseling Programs offered?

Everywhere--elementary, junior and senior high schools, community colleges, technical institutes, universities, career resource centers, correctional facilities, community-based organizations, human services agencies, community and business organizations, skill clinics, employment and placement services.

Where is Career Guidance and Counseling Working?

During 1997-1998, four career guidance programs were selected as exemplary in the following sites:

Vocational Centresmac Guidance Services
  • Dorchester District Two Career Development Initiatives, Summerville, SC
  • La Crosse Central High School Guidance/Career Center, La Crosse, WI
  • Lewis and Clark Community College: Career and Employment Services, Godfrey, IL
  • Rich South High School: Horizon Program, Richton Park, IL

Additionally, States implementing the National Career Development Guidelines have many success stories.

What are the Key Components of Successful Career Guidance and Counseling Programs?

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  • A planned sequence of activities and experiences to achieve specific competencies such as self-appraisal, decision making, goal setting, and career planning
  • Accountability (outcome oriented) and program improvement (based on results of process/outcome evaluations)
  • Qualified leadership
  • Effective management needed to support comprehensive career guidance programs
  • A team approach where certified counselors are central to the program
  • Adequate facilities, materials, resources
  • Strong professional development activities so counselors can regularly update their professional knowledge and skills
  • Different approaches to deliver the program such as outreach, assessment, counseling, curriculum, program and job placement, follow-up, consultation, referral
What does the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act Highlight about Career Guidance and Counseling Programs?
  • Ensures qualified leadership and supervision
  • Continues expenditures for program support
  • Ensures program quality and effectiveness
  • Requires career development and activities for special populations
  • Promotes counselor training and retraining
  • Encourages elimination of sex bias and stereotyping
  • Strengthens tech prep programs through recruitment, retention and placement
What are some Opportunities for Career Guidance Counselors under the Perkins Act?

Counselors have opportunities to participate in an education and training system that integrates academic and vocational education, to encourage individuals' greater participation in further education by articulating secondary and post-secondary education, to renew their commitment to servicing the most at-risk or disadvantaged of our society, to promote program outcomes and performance measures, and to respond to business and economic development.

In the framework of the new policy in relation to Lifelong Learning, and within the National Network of Lifelong Learning, E.O.P.P.E.P. is one of the administrative bodies for lifelong learning regarding its responsibilities linked to counselling and career guidance. Counselling and/or Career Guidance providers are also part of the National Network of Lifelong Learning as the relevant bodies providing lifelong learning services.

Vocational Centresmac Guidance Services

At national level, E.O.P.P.E.P. is responsible for:

  • providing scientific and technical support to the relevant stakeholders in the Ministries of Education and Employment in designing and implementing a National Policy on Guidance and Counselling,
  • the development of communication and coordination of actions taken by private and public counselling and guidance service providers, aiming at the improvement of existing services,
  • the education, initial and continuous training of counselling and guidance practitioners, in collaboration with/or supplementing those provided by current training services in the relevant Ministries of Employment and Education,
  • defining the conditions and rules under which guidance and counselling services should operate, the relevance and adequacy of counselling and guidance practitioners’ qualifications and keeping the relevant registers,
  • designing and implementing actions of counselling and guidance supporting the work of counsellors and of lifelong support of citizens for development and career management,
  • participating in the formulation of standards, rules and procedures for quality assurance consulting services and guidance under the National Quality Framework for lifelong learning.
  • -the National Euroguidance Centre, member of the Euroguidance network, with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme,
  • - the national body representing Greece in the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network – ELGPN, established by the European Commission in 2007.

Target Groups benefiting from E.O.P.P.E.P.‘s work:

- counselling and vocational guidance practitioners, career development practitioners in education, training and employment in public and private sectors,

- public and private stakeholders providing counselling and vocational guidance services in the areas of education, training and employment,

- interested citizens (school and university students, parents, the unemployed, professionals etc that seek information about counselling and vocational guidance services and learning, employment and mobility opportunities,

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- all members of the Greek society as potential beneficiaries of quality counselling and vocational guidance services at regional and national level.

Vocational Centresmac Guidance Services New York

Contact EOPPEP Career Guidance Directorate:

Vocational Centresmac Guidance Services Inc

National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (ΕOPPEP)

Career Guidance Directorate - Euroguidance Centre of Greece
41 Ethnikis Antistaseos Avenue, Νea Ionia, 14234, Athens Greece

Tel. 0030 210 2709175 – 210 2709183 e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.