Manual uninstall: If you wish to uninstall manually, follow the instructions below. Delete the Waves folder located at Macintosh HD Applications. Delete the Waves Preferences folder located at Macintosh HD Users Your User Library Preferences. Delete any Waveshells from the following locations. Then double click on Uninstall Anyconnect to start the uninstall process; Follow instructions to uninstall VPN program; Here's the procedure for manually uninstalling the AnyConnect client from a Mac OS X system. As root, run the following shell script from the Terminal.
To uninstall the AMP for Endpoints Mac Connector, navigate to the installation folder Applications > Cisco AMP (or Cisco AMP for Endpoints on versions 1.14.0 and newer) and double-click the Uninstall AMP for Endpoints Connector.pkg file. Follow the steps in the wizard to uninstall the application.
Because the uninstaller does not remove the cisco-amp-scan-svc user and group, run the following two commands to delete the user and group:
If for any reason the uninstaller is not successful, the AMP for Endpoints Mac Connector will have to be manually removed. To do this, open a terminal window and follow the appropriate procedure below. The procedure to follow depends on the version of the Mac Connector being unisntalled and the macOS version.
Manual Uninstall Procedure For Mac Connector Versions Prior to 1.14.0
This uninstall procedure applies to all versions of macOS for Mac Connector versions prior to 1.14.0.
To manually uninstall Mac Connector, run the following commands:
sudo /bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/
If this does not stop the menulet, click on it and select Quit AMP for Endpoints Connector.sudo /bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo /bin/launchctl list
This should yield the message: 'Could not find service.'sudo /bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo /bin/launchctl list
This should yield the message: Could not find service '' in domain for system.
sudo /sbin/kextunload -b
sudo /sbin/kextunload -b
sudo /usr/sbin/kextstat -l | grep
Adobe reader version for mac how to determine the version windows 10.This should yield an empty list.
sudo rm -rf '/Applications/Cisco AMP'
sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/ampfileop.kext
sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/ampnetworkflow.kext
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Application Support/Cisco/AMP for Endpoints Connector'
sudo rm -rf /opt/cisco/amp/
sudo rm -f /Library/Logs/Cisco/amp*
sudo rm -f /var/run/
sudo rm -f /Library/LaunchAgents/
sudo rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo pkgutil --forget
sudo pkgutil --forget
sudo pkgutil --forget
sudo pkgutil --forget
sudo pkgutil --forget
sudo pkgutil --forget com.sourcefire.amp.agent
sudo pkgutil --forget com.sourcefire.amp.daemon
sudo pkgutil --forget com.sourcefire.amp.kextsigned
sudo pkgutil --forget com.sourcefire.amp.kextunsigned
sudo pkgutil --forget
For each user, remove the following directory if it exists:
rm -f ~/Library/Preferences/SourceFire-Inc.FireAMP-Mac.plist
For each user, remove the following directory if it exists:
rm -f ~/Library/Preferences/Cisco-Inc.AMP-for-Endpoints-Connector.plist
Waves Mac Manual Uninstaller
Manual Uninstall Procedure For Mac Connector Versions 1.14.0 and Newer
The uninstall procedure for Mac Connector versions 1.14.0 and newer varies depending on the version of macOS being used.
Waves Mac Manual Uninstall Tool
To manually uninstall Mac Connector, run the following commands:
- /bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/
If this does not stop the menulet, click on it and select Quit AMP for Endpoints Connector. - sudo /bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/
- sudo /bin/launchctl list
This should yield the message: Could not find service. - sudo /bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/
- sudo /bin/launchct list
This should yield the message: Could not find service '' in domain for system. - For macOS versions 10.15 and older:
sudo /sbin/kextunload -b - For macOS versions 10.15 and older:
sudo /sbin/kextunload -b - For macOS versions 10.15 and older:
sudo /usr/sbin/kextstat -l | grep
This should yield an empty list. - For macOS versions 10.15.5 and newer:
/Applications/Cisco AMP for Endpoints/AMP for Endpoints for Endpoints Service deactivate endpoint_security
Enter password when prompted. - For macOS versions 10.15.5 and newer:
/Applications/Cisco AMP for Endpoints/AMP for Endpoints for Endpoints Service deactivate content_filter
Enter password when prompted. - For macOS versions 10.15.5 and newer:
systemextensionsctl list | grep
All system extensions for and should be listed with '[terminated waiting to uninstall on reboot].' - For macOS versions 10.15 and older:
sudo rm -rf '/Applications/Cisco AMP for Endpoints' - For macOS versions 10.15 and older:
sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/ampfileop.kext - For macOS versions 10.15 and older:
sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/ampnetworkflow.kext - sudo rm -rf '/Library/Application Support/Cisco/AMP for Endpoints Connector'
- sudo rm -rf /opt/cisco/amp/
- sudo rm -f /Library/Logs/Cisco/amp*
- sudo rm -f /var/run/
- sudo rm -f /Library/LaunchAgents/
- sudo rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/
- sudo rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/
- sudo pkgutil --forget
- sudo pkgutil --forget
- sudo pkgutil --forget
- sudo pkgutil --forget
- sudo pkgutil --forget
- sudo pkgutil --forget com.sourcefire.amp.agent
- sudo pkgutil --forget com.sourcefire.amp.daemon
- sudo pkgutil --forget com.sourcefire.amp.kextsigned
- sudo pkgutil --forget com.sourcefire.amp.kextunsigned
- sudo pkgutil --forget
- For each user, remove the following directory if it exists:
rm -f ~/Library/Preferences/SourceFire-Inc.FireAMP-Mac.plist - For each user, remove the following directory if it exists:
rm -f ~/Library/Preferences/Cisco-Inc.AMP-for-Endpoints-Connector.plist