6 Personality Traits You Need To Start A New Business

  1. 6 Personality Traits You Need To Start A New Business With No Money
  2. 6 Personality Traits You Need To Start A New Business Ideas

Being an active, assertive, and at times aggressive person is one of the most important personality traits for a business career because it assures you that you won’t be left in the dust without a fight. Jan 22, 2018 So, for you, it’s less about what business you should start and more about choosing the one good idea to turn into a business venture. It doesn’t matter if your passion is PR, fitness, market research, software sales or creating a new search engine just for doctors. You just need to pick something.

Part 3 ~ Acey Gaspard’s Guide to Starting a Small Business – Made Simple

Entrepreneurs have specific desirable characteristics in common. When you own and operate your own business, it’s you in charge, it’s you in control, and it’s you who takes the credit for the failure or success of the company.

Some people get so caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running their business that they fail to realize they’re in charge; they should be controlling the direction of the company. Circumstances should not be controlling them.

Tammy’s Story

Tammy was so busy with her business, taking on much more than she could handle. After a while, she only waited for things to happen and responded to them. Tammy had turned into an employee of the business, and the events around her had become her boss. Rather than her running her business, she let the business run her.

Don’t let this happen to you. Keep in mind that you’re in charge, and if you feel that you aren’t, then do something about it.

Here are Some of the Traits You Can Build On to Ensure Your Happiness and Success:

1. Be Persistent

Being persistent is an asset; it will help you get through tough times and slumps. Practice being persistent. It pays off!

2. Learn to Easily Adapt to Change

The business world is in constant fluctuation. You have to be able to adapt quickly without losing track of your mission. You may need to change the way you do things or adapt to changes in the market. Adapting to change is a positive practice.

3. Assess Risks

The better you are at assessing risk, the better your outcomes will be. You’ll be able to make intelligent decisions, and you’ll avoid making decisions that could put you out of business. This will allow you to seize good opportunities that pass others by.

4. Continue to Learn

Learning is an ongoing process in all aspects of life, whether or not you’re aware of it. Since you’re learning anyway, you might as well take charge of the process by filling your mind with positive and, useful information.

5. Learn to Welcome Responsibility

When you avoid responsibilities, you break down your self-esteem, slowly and silently telling yourself that you can’t handle it. When you welcome responsibilities, you’re building your self-esteem and becoming a stronger person.

6. Be Creative


In business, being creative in the right places can give you the edge you need to stand out and offer something special. Practice creativity in small steps. Ask questions like, “What can I do to improve this?” Try brainstorming to help you come up with creative ideas.

7. Take Charge

Successful business people take charge and hit the ground running. By getting in the habit of taking charge you are building on leadership skills and leaders manage companies.

8. Know Your Numbers

Numbers and business go hand in hand. If you don’t know much about numbers, you’re going to need to learn. You don’t need to become a financial wizard, knowing the ins and outs of multinational companies and how they operate, nor do you need to become an accountant, but you need to know the basics.


You need to know whether or not you’re profitable, how to manage money, how to hold onto your money, etc. Even if you hire an accountant or bookkeeper, you still need to know what’s going on in your business.

9. You Must Market Your Business

Whatever business you’re in, without marketing, you won’t have much of a business. You need to develop marketing skills. Marketing can be as simple as placing ads, creating promotions, or creating enticing signs, word of mouth, basically, anything that gets the right people through the door is marketing. It must be done. It’s the lifeline of the business.

10. You Must Avoid Procrastination

If you’re a seasoned procrastinator, then you’re going to have a hard time finding success. You may be doing okay, but it takes so much longer to become the success you really want. You’re just moving along slowly, and you’re probably missing out on a lot of opportunities. Get things done quickly. Don’t start something else, something new, until you complete your current task.

11. Become Self-Reliant

When you’re on your own, you have no one pushing you or telling you what needs to be done. It’s hard to stay on track, but it’s essential to you keep yourself on track. Once you have decided what to do, you may want to create a list in order of priority.

You may want to simply follow the list, or you might have someone check up on you to see how you’re doing. I like to keep a list on my phone, checking off what’s been completed, and adding new items when necessary.

12. Create a Balance Between Work and Play

Successful people usually have a balance between their business and personal lives. They feel a sense of accomplishment and feel good about themselves. Their self-esteem is high, and they feel confident. A balance between your work and your personal life is an absolute must. Keep this balance at all times and you’ll perform much better and be happier in your personal life.

The traits listed so far are just some of the traits of a good businessperson. I’m sure the list could be expanded to fill books on this topic. There are two more important issues that I’ve left until the end because I feel they particularly can accelerate your development into an excellent businessperson.

13. Focus on the Business, Not Your Needs

Focus on what’s best for your business. What can you do better for your customers? How can you make your customers happy? Questions like these help you become an excellent businessperson.

When you focus on yourself, you tend to cut corners, finding simpler ways that may be less effective. They may do the job, but they may not create great outcomes.

14. Focus on Your Performance

When you’re doing something important, ask yourself, “Am I doing the best I can?” If the answer is “Yes,” that’s great. If you have doubts, then push yourself to do a better job. No one can expect more than your best, not even you.

Action Steps to Becoming a Good Businessperson

Take a look at the 14 characteristics above and see which ones already apply to you and which ones don’t.

Make an “action plan” on how you can develop the ones that don’t apply or how you can improve.

Important Questions to Becoming a Good Businessperson

Do you think you’re a good businessperson? Why?

After you reply to the question above, evaluate your answers. Are you a good businessperson because you are a good boss? A good product/service provider? A good client (for others)? Now, what do you need to do, so you can improve?

By Acey Gaspard

Picking the right business partner is crucial. If you choose the wrong person, your company could fail before it’s had a chance to take off. On the other hand, if you can find someone who’s experienced and who shares your values and goals, there’s no telling what you two can achieve. Check out 10 qualities to look for when searching for a business partner.

1. Passion

Ideally, the person you decide to partner with should be just as passionate about your business as you are. Your company might not survive if your partner isn’t willing to work hard or do whatever it takes to meet the goals you set. There’s no point in hiring a partner who isn’t going to pull his or her weight and commit to making the business one of their top priorities.

2. Reliability

Even if the folks you’re interviewing seem enthusiastic about becoming your right-hand man or woman, it’s best to choose someone you can depend on. A job candidate whose resume seems scattered or who hasn’t spent a full year at a single company might not be able to commit to being your business partner.

It’s important to look out for any red flags that might indicate that the person sitting in front of you can’t be trusted to help you lead and run your company.

3. Compatibility

When hunting for a business partner, it’s tempting to select someone who has the same interests and hobbies that you have. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it might be wise to find a partner who’s everything you’re not. You might be able to accomplish a lot more by picking someone who has the skills that you lack over someone you have a lot in common with.

4. The Ability to Build Strong Relationships

If you want to scale your business, you’ll need to have access to an extensive network of potential clients, investors and industry influencers. If your own social or professional circle is smaller than you would like it to be, finding a business partner who’s well-connected could be a smart move.

5. Fiscal Responsibility

Regardless of whether you’re opening a bakery or launching an online retailer like Etsy, it helps to know a thing or two about finance. Depending on your business needs, you might not need to find a partner who’s an accounting whiz (especially if you’re planning on hiring one later on). But at the very least, it’s best to choose a sidekick who knows how to manage money and hasn’t landed in any serious financial trouble in the past.

6. Creativity

The most successful businessmen and women are innovators. A good business partner is going to be someone who can consistently come up with original and fresh ideas. In order to differentiate your company from the others in your industry, you’ll need to find someone who can help you create a brand with a distinct image. Excess of dmg in alcoholism.

7. Open-Mindedness

Another quality that can be great to look for in a business partner is the ability to keep an open mind. Collaborating with someone who isn’t receptive to different ideas or perspectives could be difficult. In the worst case scenario, it could prevent your business from reaching its full potential.

8. Comfort With Risk

If you’re looking for a business partner, you might need to find someone with a high tolerance for risk. You’ll probably come across situations where you’ll have to go out on a limb or make an investment without knowing how things will turn out. If your partner prefers to play it safe, you could miss out on certain opportunities or falter in the face of a challenge.

At the same time, you might not want to hire someone who always makes major decisions impulsively. As you think about what the perfect partner looks like, it’s a good idea to consider finding someone who can strike a balance between taking risks and being cautious.

9. The Ability to Resolve Conflicts

You and your business partner aren’t always going to see eye to eye. Conflicts are inevitable when you’re working long hours with the same person. But someone who holds grudges or seeks revenge when they don’t get their way could become more of a liability than an asset.

10. Resilience

As a business owner, you can expect to experience some setbacks. You’ll make mistakes as you go along and you might fail many times before you find solutions that work. But you’ll need to be able to roll with the punches if you want your business to go anywhere.

That’s why it’s so important to find a resilient business partner who can motivate you when you’re feeling disheartened. Someone who’s going to quit when the going gets tough won’t do you or your company any good.

The Takeaway

A business partner can make or break a startup. If you’ve decided that you need a partner in order to turn your new business into a successful company, it’s a good idea to find someone who compliments the skills you already have and knows how to bounce back from adversity.

Financial Tips for Starting Your Own Business

6 Personality Traits You Need To Start A New Business With No Money

  • Sit down with a financial advisor. A financial advisor can help you create a plan for your business’ future and provide guidance on areas including tax planning, risk management and employee benefits programs. A matching tool like SmartAsset’s SmartAdvisor makes it easier to find a person to work with to meet your needs. First you’ll answer a series of questions about your situation and goals. Then the program will narrow down your options from thousands of advisors to up to three registered investment advisors who suit your needs. You can then read their profiles to learn more about them, interview them on the phone or in person and choose who to work with in the future. This allows you to find a good fit while the program does much of the hard work for you.
  • Don’t neglect your personal finances. Though it might be tempted to devote all of your financial resources towards building your business, it’s important to continue planning for retirement and working towards your other financial goals.

6 Personality Traits You Need To Start A New Business Ideas

Photo credit: ©iStock.com/sturti, ©iStock.com/demaerre, ©iStock.com/DNY59