Mcculloch Mac 130 Chainsaw Service Manualsupporttechnologies


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Mcculloch Mac 130 Chainsaw Service Manualsupporttechnologies

Mcculloch Mac 130 Chainsaw Service Manual

I wanted a small chainsaw that I could use in the yard and take camping and found a MAC 140 in a pawnshop. The salesguy gassed it up and ran it a few times and it worked perfectly for him so I took it home.
It hasn't worked right since.
I haven't been able to find a manual online so I'm kind of working in the dark. I'm not all that familiar with two-stroke engines but I've been able to get some advice.
I'm using a 25:1 fuel mixture using regular unleaded gas and Canadian Tire chainsaw oil. I measured carefully using plastic measuring cups. I'm using Canadian Tire chain oil but I've got the clutch out so that's not an issue.
Here's a picture.
It's kind of hard to see the three carburator screws. They are, from top to bottom; idle (and idle lock), lo, hi. The control on the left is the choke and I have to assume the big black button on the right is the primer. The chain oil pump (I assume) is the wire on the T-handle. I choke, pull a few times and it starts and I take the choke off. It runs for about 5 seconds, putting out grey smoke and then dies. The tabletop where I've been running it is soaked with black sludge. When I take the spark plug out, it's wet and black. I found the air filter (left side behind the pull and cleaned it). I haven't figured out how to get the thing apart to get at the fuel filter (which I suspect is the problem). The spark plug looks fine (other than being dirty). No pitting, bending or discoloration. I was gonna replace it anyway but Canadian Tire didn't stock one.
I've tried every setting of the idle screw, lo and hi that I can think of. I've had it running for as long as a minute (but not lately).
So, three questions:
1. Where is the fuel filter and how do I get at it?
2. How do I set the three carburator screws?
3. What else could be wrong?

For more information on measuring McCulloch MAC 130 chain saw chain, determining pitch of chain, and using the chain reference chart, feel free to browse the chain saw chain information section. If your McCulloch MAC 130 chain is excessively worn, stretched, or has been sharpened many times, it needs to be replaced with our high quality.

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Mcculloch Chainsaw Service Manual

  1. I wanted a small chainsaw that I could use in the yard and take camping and found a MAC 140 in a pawnshop. The salesguy gassed it up and ran it a few times and it worked perfectly for him so I took it home. It hasn't worked right since. I haven't been able to find a manual online so I'm kind of working in the dark.
  2. How to Adjust the Oiler on a McCulloch Chainsaw. McCulloch chain saws, like all other chain saws, require continuous lubrication during use to prevent the chain from catching on the wood being cut.